Terms and conditions



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    Erasmus+program and bilateral agreements

    The European University of the Atlantic aims to boost the participation of all the members of the university community in exchange, cooperation and mobility programs between the different countries that make up the EU -via Erasmus agreements and with the rest of the world -via bilateral agreements. The European Erasmus study program is aimed at students from higher education institutions who wish to study in another country for a certain period of time and, in turn, obtain an immediate academic recognition for such stay. These stays in a foreign country make it easy for students to get involved in different cultures and university environments as well as to improve their linguistic abilities and their employability in a job market that is increasingly competitive and international.

    1. Objective

      This study mobility program call aims to select students to participate in the ERASMUS+ program and the bilateral agreements that the European University of the Atlantic has signed with foreign universities. Students selected for any of these two modalities will be able to study or make an internship in foreign universities with the guarantee that they will enjoy an academic recognition thanks to the Individualized Learning Agreement, whose content will be agreed upon the beginning of the mobility period, that can be modified if both parties agree and which has a binding nature for the students and universities involved in it.

    2. General provisions

      General Requirements

      • Being enrolled to the European University of the Atlantic during the present 2017-2018 academic year and during the course in which the stay is to happen and that will lead to the attainment of an Official undergraduate diploma.
      • Taking the 3rd or 4th year in this 2017-2018 academic year.
      • Passing 100% of the credits corresponding to the first year (60 credits) at the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year.
      • Accrediting, at the end of the application period, the level of knowledge of the teaching language in the host university, as required in Annex I.
      • Not having enjoyed an Erasmus program at a foreign country for 12 months or more in previous calls, be via the European University of the Atlantic or via any other national or European universities.
      • The minimum number of credits to be taken will in no case be inferior to 18 for a term and 36 for a whole academic year, except for the development of final projects without any subject pending a grade.
      • As a general rule, all the requirements will need to be met by the end of the application period to participate in the present call.

      Exchange duration

      The period requested for the exchange will have to be adjusted to the imperative period for the studies described in the Learning Agreement. The stay period will need to lie between July 1st, 2018 and September 30th, 2019. The minimum stay is 3 months and the maximum is 12 months.

      Financial aid

      Financial aid for studying in a foreign country may be granted by the European Union’s Erasmus Program via the SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación). The European University of the Atlantic will distribute and manage the financial aids received. All these financial aids are compatible with any other national financial aid, grant, loan or subsidy to study, which is not the case for other aids financed with funding from the European Union. Likewise, the Erasmus program has a specific financial aid aimed at disabled students. Both the number and amount of financial aids granted will depend on the budget line. Until the allocation of budget for the European University of the Atlantic is not done by the Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación, it will not be possible to know exactly how many financial aids will be granted and for how long will such aid be possible. In case the budget line allocated to the European University of the Atlantic is not enough as to fund every accepted stay, some allocation criteria will be implemented, consisting of the weighted average of the academic record and in case of a tie, according to the English level accredited.

      The sum corresponding to the financial aid will be stated in individual resolutions, according to the type of study grant. Not every place that is allocated will count on a financial aid.

    3. Student’s duties
      • Enrolling to the European University of the Atlantic, and paying for the corresponding fees, which are not applicable in the host university. It needs to be taken into account that the host university may demand paying reduced fees in order to cope with the additional expenses, such as insurance or administrative fees.
      • Submitting any documentation required to the host university, on time.
      • Handing in any documentation or report required by the International Relations Office with the objective of justifying the stay’s duration and the income received. As well, signing the Financial Agreement before beginning the stay.
      • Once the place allocation is final, the student must stay at the host university for the period agreed.
      • In case of non-compliance with the stay period or of non-submission of the required documentation, the financial aid will need to be reimbursed totally, except in cases of force majeure.
      • Hiring and paying for medical insurance, civil liability insurance or managing any other circumstance that may be required in every mobility program, every country or university. In case of European universities, or universities with which Spain has signed an agreement, the student will have to get the European Health Insurance Card.
      • Obtaining the visas that may be demanded by the host country.
      • Attending the information sessions called by the International Relations Office as to prepare the stay.
    4. International Relations Office Duties
      • The International Relations Office will be responsible for the administrative tasks that comprise the submission of the list of students selected for the exchange to the host universities.
      • The International Relations Office will take charge of any administrative task to make the students’ mobility possible, but will in no case be responsible for the student’s final acceptation, which is made by the host university, as well, the office cannot be held responsible for the management of the travel or documentation, search for accommodation, for such issues are the student’s responsibility and/or the host university’s, where appropriate.
    5. Transfer of data

      Participants in this call give their consent to transfer of their personal and academic data to the host university as well as to the financial entities of the financial aids, insurance company and to any other official body requiring the mobility statistical data. By participating in this call the student assumes that both the personal and academic data will be transferred to the host university and, when appropriate, to the financial entities of the financial aids. Management and access to personal will be subject to the national laws, those in force in the host country and to the international provisions.

    6. Appeals

      Appeals against these terms and conditions as well as against the acts that are established as a result of its execution are to be made before the European University of the Atlantic’s chancellor, within a month from the publication date.

    1. Steps

      These terms and conditions will be published in the University’s notice board and the International Relations Office’s web page. Students who are interested will need to submit the application form to the International Relations Office between December 13-20, both inclusive. Application forms will be filled in on line via the form available at:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPXy6IW2MUyV2MLsrkQHjMwEBZ8rN-XrUydOLwXctsMhGwLw/viewform?usp=sf_linkThe application form will have to be submitted to the International Relations Office, together with the appropriate documentation.

    2. Documentation
      • Copy of the request generated by the online application form, with a passport size photo. It can be printed via the web browser. A screenshoot is also accepted.
      • The original documents and a copy of the linguistic competence certifications, when appropriate.
    3. Selection Criteria

      The selection of students will be sanctioned by the International Relations’s Vice-chancellor, proposed by the Selection Committee, which is held responsible for solving any incident that may arise during the processing and/or during the stay and that is not foreseen in this call. The selection criteria used will be the average grade of the student’s academic record, once it has been verified that the student complies with the linguistic competence required by the host university. The average grade of the academic record will be calculated in accordance with the scale and criteria established in the R.O. 1125/03, September 5, 2003: passing credits multiplied by the figure of the corresponding grade, from the equivalence aforementioned and divided into the total number of credits obtained until the extraordinary call of the 2016-2017 academic year. Students from Engineering branches will be applied a multiplying coefficient of 1.17. In case there are two equal average grades, the student who accredits a higher linguistic competence will take precedence.

    4. Deadlines and destinations

      Destinations requested by the students cannot be modified once the application form has been submitted. Likewise, the allocated destination may be modified in accordance with academic reasons, the host university’s final decision or due to force majeure circumstances. Applicants accept these modifications with their participation in this call, without prejudice to the resignation of the host university allocated for this reason, before arrival. Exchange of host universities between students is not allowed. Once the place allocation final list is published, resignations that are not based on duly justified grounds will disqualify the candidates for being eligible in the next Mobility Program call. Once the submission deadline is met, the provisional list of admitted and excluded candidates will be published in the university’s notice board, with a 10-days deadline to correct or make any amendments to the documentation. Claims are to be submitted to the International Relations Office. Once such deadline is met, those candidates who failed to make any required amendments as stated in the provisional list will be definitely excluded. Re-allocation period: free places will be directly allocated by the Head of the International Relations Office, who will do so in accordance with the same criteria used in the previous phase.

    5. Acceptance/resignation of allocated places

      Once the places have been allocated again and it has been verified that all the amendments stated in the provisional list have been made, a second list with the final host universities allocation will be published. Selected students must communicate in writing if they ACCEPT or RESIGN the allocated place within a maximum of 7 days.. In case the acceptance is not made in writing in due time, it will be understood the studentresignsresigns the place and will lose the right to participate in the call. . It is key to highlight that allocations are in all cases provisional until the student is admitted by the host university, so the European University of the Atlantic is not responsible for the final resolve nor is it for the possible consequences that may arise..

    6. Resolve

      The resolve of this call will be announced via its publication in the International Relations Office’s and the Students Service’s notice board.

    7. Linguistic competence level

      The linguistic competence level can be accredited with the following certificates:

      • TOEFL
      • TAEL (the test can be made under request to the International Relations Office)
      • TRINITY
      • EOI
      • IELTS

      In certain occasions, the host university may demand a different linguistic competence level certification from the ones that are listed here.

  3. Learning agreement

    Students are responsible for looking for the subjects to be taken at the host university as well as for filling in the learning agreement its submission to the International Relations Office.

    1. Academic Fees

      During the stay at a foreign university, students keep paying for the academic fees of their original university.

    2. Credit recognition

      The credit recognition of the subjects, the internship or the final projects that are taken during the stay at a foreign university depend on the Degree’s Management.

    1. Health coverage

      Students whose destination is in Europe must apply for the European Health Insurance Cardhttp://www.seg-social.es/Internet_1/Trabajadores/PrestacionesPension10935/Asistenciasanitaria/DesplazamientosporE11566/TSE2/index.htm Students whose destination is out of Europe must hire an international health insurance that covers the travel, medical assistance, accidents, repatriation and civil liability. A photocopy showing proof of the insurance must be submitted to the International Relations Office. It is possible that any European university also requests such documentation.

    2. Accommodation

      Students are responsible for collecting information about the accommodation options in the host university. In the same line, hiring the accommodation is on the student. Once the accommodation has been hired, proof must be submitted to the International Relations Office.

    1. Documentation

      Students must submit to the host university a copy of the Learning Agreement to be signed by the authorities. Similarly, an attendance certificate must be filled in upon arrival and the original certificate must be sent to the International Relations Office

    2. Change in the learning agreement

      Changes in the learning agreement are possible with the prior authorization given by the original and the host university. A maximum of 45 days is established to make any changes.

    3. Certificates and academic records

      Students will receive a transcript of the academic record from the host university in order to confirm the recognized credits and the grades, that in some cases will need to be converted into the Spanish grading system.

    1. Documentation

      Before leaving the host university, students must submit the stay certificate (only for ERASMUS). Upon arrival to the original university, the student must submit to the International Relations Office the following documents:

      • End of stay certificate, with the signature and seal of the host university
      • Academic certificate
      • At the same time, student will have to take the OLS level test and answer the questionnaire that the Erasmus Office from the European Commission will send.
    2. Grades/Failing grades/Subjects pending grades

      The academic certificate will be studied in order to confirm the grades. In case of a failing grade, the Degree’s Management will decide how to recover the credits. In the same line, if there are pending subjects for their credits have not been recognized during the stay, the degree’s management will decide how to recover the credits.

Anex I

Linguistic Competence Level Required by the Host University

University Type University Code Area Code Country Language: Language Level
Ankara University Erasmus TR ANKARA01 041 Turkey Turkish/English A2
Audencia Business School Erasmus F NANTES12 040 France French/English B2
Avans University of Applied Sciences Erasmus NL BREDA01 041 The Netherlands English/Dutch B2
Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology Erasmus IRL DUBLIN38 041 Ireland English B2
ESAIP, École d’Ingenieurs Erasmus F ANJOU02 0712 France French/English B1
HAS University of Applied Sciences Erasmus NL S-HERTO 01 041 The Netherlands Dutch/English B2
HOWEST Erasmus B KORTRIJ03 1014 041 0413 The Netherlands English/Dutch B2
ISIT Erasmus F PARIS379 041 023 0211 France French/English B2
Jan Kochanowski University Erasmus KL KIELCE02 1014 Poland English/Polish B2
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Erasmus PL LUBLIN01 041 Poland English/Polish B1
Mercator School of Management Erasmus D ESSEN04 041 Germany German/English B2
Opole University Erasmus PL OPOLE01 041 Poland English/Polish B1
Opole University Erasmus PL OPOLE01 023 Poland French B2
Saxion University Of Applied Sciences Erasmus NL ENSCHED 03 0413 The Netherlands English B2 / IELTS 6.0
School of Management in Gdansk Erasmus PL GDANSK10 061 Poland Polish/English B2
State University of Applied Sciences in Racibórz Erasmus PL RACIBÓR01 0230 Poland Polish/English B1
Universidad Estatal Pedagógica de León Tolstoy Erasmus N/A 023 041 1014 01   Russia English B2
Université de Lorraine Erasmus F NANCY43 023 France French B1
Université de Reims Erasmus F REIMS01 023 041 0313 France French/English B1  
Université Du Québec À Chicoutimi Bilateral - - Canada French B2
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne Erasmus F PARIS012 041 France French/English B2
Université de Rennes 2 Erasmus F RENNES02   France French B2
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Erasmus RO BUCURES12 0721 Romania Romanian/English B1
University of Regina Bilateral - - Canada French/English Link
University of South Bohemia in české budějovice Erasmus CZ CESKE01 023 1014 081 Czech Republic Czech/English B2
University Wrocław Erasmus PL WROCLAW01 311 Poland Polish/English B2
University West Erasmus S TROLLHA01 04 Sweden English B1
Vistula University Erasmus PL WARSZAW78 041 023 Poland Polish/English B2
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Erasmus NL ZWOLLE05 041 032 The Netherlands Dutch/English B2
