Degree in Business Administration and Management

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Degree in Business Administration and Management
Dual Degree



On the one hand, it seeks to provide students with the necessary competences to take part in andlead multi-disciplinary teams


The complex dynamics at play in today’s global economic marketplace demand highly competent, well-qualified professionals who are capable of ensuring the survival and prosperity of a business entity.

A keen interest in the corporate world coupled with a marked entrepreneurial spirit and an innovating approach to technological change are key to an integral preparation in the knowledge areas specific to business.

The Degree in Business Administration and Management offered by UNEATLANTICO will enable the student to develop strong leadership and management skills ideal for all types of business entity. These skills may be applied on a global scale or within the individual corporate functional areas: production, marketing, human resources, quality, project management or corporate social responsibility.

The success of this degree is anchored on a two-fold objective. On the one hand, it seeks to provide students with the necessary competences to take part in and lead multi-disciplinary teams that are capable of successfully reacting to market requirements and technological change. It likewise foments their capacity to employ professional criteria in their approach to problems related to analysis, design and management. On the other hand, at a more general level, it aims to actively contribute to socio-economic development on both a local and national scale. With this end in mind, special emphasis is laid on strengthening students’ command of English, broadening their knowledge of new technologies (NICTs) and developing their capacity for oral and written expression.

Learning Results

All the competences developed by the students of the Undergraduate Degree in Business Administration and Management once completed their studies can be consulted in the link below:

Competences of the degree

Learning Results

En el enlace que se muestra a continuación se pueden consultar las competencias que desarrollan los estudiantes del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas una vez finalizados sus estudios:

Competencias del título

Dual Degree


Doble Grado Griffith College

La Universidad Europea del Atlántico tiene un acuerdo de doble titulación con el Griffith College de Dublín (Irlanda) que permite a los alumnos del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, de forma opcional, obtener al finalizar el grado la doble titulación por parte de ambas universidades

Puedes ver más información sobre esta doble titulación aquí.

Graduate Profile


Graduates in Business Administration and Management may opt to pursue a career in any of the following fields:

  • Corporate area, assuming middle or upper management responsibilities:
    • Accounting
    • Financial and investment analysis
    • Financial and administrative management
    • External auditing
    • Sales management
    • Marketing management
    • Human Resources management
    • Production management
    • Export management
    • Senior management
    • General management
  • Setting up of self-owned businesses
  • Public Administration
  • International financial institutions

Bilingual Education

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English, the key to your present and your future


English, the key to your present and your future

In today's world, one of the essential tools for international communication and the key that opens opportunities to finding a job, both in Spain and abroad, is knowing English.

In our country, 80% of the job offers already require a high proficiency of this language, and in many cases, this requirement is more important than personal and professional qualifications.

If is for this reason that the European University of the Atlantic places special emphasis on undergraduate students attaining proficiency in the language. From the first year on, students are encouraged to register for extra-curricular classes in preparation for successfully completing study of their regular subjects taught in English throughout their degree.

This way, regardless of their initial proficiency level, the language program based on tutorial support, specialized materials, and small classes, allows students to later follow their dual language (English-Spanish) courses in sequence so that they finish their degree having acquired a bilingual skill set that is applicable in their profession.

Engage in your profession

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UNEATLANTICO creates an authentic business environment


UNEATLANTICO creates an authentic business environment

The campus of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico is designed so that students can practise their profession from the first year onwards. The University offers modern and fully-equipped facilities that simulate the authentic business environments that students will experience upon completing their degree. There are laboratories for the study of Physiology, Food Technology, Languages, Food Science and Biomechanics, while dedicated facilities are provided for projects involving computing, business, nutritional assistance, psychological guidance and counselling, and translation and interpretation. In addition, the University also offers computer labs, a library, as well as radio and television production and post-production studios.

Faculty motivate students to become involved in campus life and guide them towards creating projects and developing ideas that enhance their professional development from the the very first year of their studies. The learning model is not limited to covering a syllabus, but intends to guarantee a solid theoretical-practical education in which students feel fully engaged in their professional area.

Furthermore, the University has signed numerous internship agreements with a wide range of business entities that complement formal university education and facilitate the development of the cross-curricular skills needed to break into the job market.

A true indication of the importance that the University places on innovation and knowledge transfer is the establishment of the Centre for Research and Industrial Technology of Cantabria (CITICAN). CITICAN is a scientific foundation through which RDI (Research, Development and Innovation) from the academic institution is channelled.


Once the student has completed the program, they will obtain a GRADUATE DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT as issued by the European University of the Atlantic.

Study Programme


First Year

Mathematics 6
Microeconomics 6
Business Organisation 6
Accounting I 6
Information and Communication Technology - ICTs 6
Introduction to Law 6
Macroeconomics 6
Economic Structure 6
Accounting II 6
Strategic and Operational Marketing 6

Second Year

Sales Management 6
Statistics I 6
Labour Law 6
Financial Mathematics 6
English I 6
Administration of Production and Logistics 6
Statistics II 6
Financial Statement Analysis 6
Commercial Law 6
English II 6

Third Year

Economic History 6
Business Finance 6
Market Research 6
Occupational Risk Management 6
Elective I 6
English III 6
Fundamentals of Public Relations 6
Fundamentals of Programming 6
Operations Research 6
Financial Administration 6
Human Resources 6
Management Accounting 6
Management of Information Systems 6
Elective II 6
English IV 6
Campaign Design and Planning 6
Programming 6
Environmental technology 6
Consumer Behavior 6
International Accounting 6
Knowledge and Information Society 6
International Relations 6
Economic Integration and International Trade 6

Fourth Year

Internship I 6
Projects 6
Strategic Management and Managerial Skills 6
Financial Management 6
Elective III 6
Quality Management 6
Digital Marketing and Interactive Media 6
Conflict Resolution and Mediation 6
Internship II 6
Business Economics and Entrepreneurship 6
Taxation Law 6
Final Project 6
Elective IV 6
Corporate Social Responsibility 6
Institutional and Corporate Communication 6
Coaching 6
Globalization, Geopolitics and Geostrategy 6
International Finance 6


Admission profile

This Degree is meant for people with clear professional and personal goals, who provide maturity and contribute to the mutual enrichment among their peers. It aims to provide a context in which applicants can develop a profitable long-term relationship with their peers, teachers, former students and the institution.

On a more general note, the applicants who want to study in this university must have the following traits:

  • Leadership: the university is interested in applicants qualified for teamwork, with self-confidence, initiative, able to work under pressure, great communication skills and a high sense of ethics.
  • Academic journey and professional motivation: the applicants must have finished their studies according to the Spanish university system within a reasonable period of time and satisfactory academic results. Previous work experience will also be considered a positive, same as any other complementary training that applicants may possess as relevant for the position.
  • Languages: considering the international and global aspect that the university wishes to have, being proficient in English is a valued requirement during the admissions process. Furthermore, students whose native language is not Spanish and want admission into the university, must certify that they have the required level to take the subjects in Spanish. Any other language will be considered a distinguishing feature during the admissions process.

Furthermore, students whose native language is not Spanish and want admission into the university, must certify that they have the required level to take the subjects in Spanish. Any other language will be considered a distinguishing feature during the admissions process.

Personal characteristics:

  • Entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Global citizens.
  • Leadership capacity.

Educational goals:

  • A prestigious international institution.
  • A flexible study plan.
  • Innovative learning methodology.
  • Personalized education: small groups, tutoring system.
  • Practical approach aimed at the job market: seminars, conferences, internships.
  • Exchange programs with universities in other parts of the world.
  • Comprehensive training.

Apart from the general features of the students of this university, students of Business Administration and Management must have the following characteristics as related to the Degree:

Personal characteristics:

The following are guiding criteria that strictly follow the criteria of non-discrimination based on race, nationality, ideology, gender or religion. The following will be valued:

  • Interest for culture, both your own and others.
  • Intellectual curiosity and interest in reflecting about the value of political inter-cultural communication, discovering the background rules on how contemporary societies are organized and how international social agents interact and innovate in organizing and decision making.
  • Ease with oral and written expression.
  • International experience through travel and school trips.
  • Understanding ethics as the main engine of human decisions.

Academic characteristics:

The recommended academic profile reflects the admissions requirement as specified on this webpage. Furthermore, we are looking for an interdisciplinary profile that is inclusive and open to a variety of profiles, since we are aware of the assets this may offer.

This interdisciplinary, inclusive and open, profile refers to Secondary Education students who did not study a specific Bachelor’s field, since it is not a requirement for admission into the Degree. The diverse academic profile of students is considered instructive for the teaching-learning group.